KOTA KINABALU- In the phase of facing the State Election, UMNO Sabah leaders have spoken frankly and passionately about the state of affairs of Sabah, as equal partners and concerned leaders of the people they represent. This is following the consistent commitments shown by UMNO as a party and Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi as the President of UMNO to acquire Sabah its autonomy right by acknowledging UMNO Sabah as true partner to UMNO in Peninsular.
In his statement today, Chief Division of UMNO Penampang Hj. Mohd Hasnol Ayub, has given his comments to clarify the autonomy in which has become the main driving force behind UMNO Sabah’s new deal for the people.
“The autonomy is no longer a political rhetoric, rather a true acknowledgement that has been approved by UMNO party as a whole and constituted in the UMNO Constitution”, said Hasnol.
Having an autonomous Sabah is therefore no longer a fight that is fought only by Malaysians in Sabah, but Malaysians across the country by having the commitment shown through law that was approved and constituted by Federal leaders to portray the delivered promise to Malaysian leaders in UMNO Sabah.
This reflects a shift in mentality amongst the Federal leaders on their formulas to align the Malaysians in Peninsular and in Sabah as one and not a segregated entity divided by political hegemony.
The autonomy portrays the commitment of the Federal leaders to uplift the battle in obtaining the right as true partner to Peninsular from a state agenda into becoming a national agenda felt by all Malaysians.
The core reason in the shift of mentality lies within the heart of UMNO Sabah leaders where they have learnt and evolved significantly, understanding they need to break away from their previous system of ‘one-way-street’ mentality.
“Today, UMNO Sabah has seen the people elect us, reject us and our opponents stumble and fumble, unable to bring stability and prosperity to our beloved Sabah. Our defeat in 2018 was not only humbling but also presented the best opportunity for us to learn and realign with the Malaysians in Sabah,” he said.
The Malaysian leaders in Sabah under UMNO are now in unison understanding that the best formula to fight for the Malaysians in Sabah is neither by being a subordinate nor a ‘baby child’ of Federal, rather by having a solid negotiation to be a true partner using the right tool – the autonomy of Federal-based party to direct the governance and state affairs without being dictated by Federal leaders.
This strategic negotiation between Malaysian leaders in Peninsular and Sabah, which has resulted in a written law, has never before happened in the past 57 years of Sabah being in Malaysia.
Against this backdrop, he urges that it is our duty as Malaysians in Sabah to provide the chance and try this formula to obtain what we have been fighting for since the formation of Malaysia which is to be equal to our counterparts in Peninsular socially, economically and politically. Malaysian for one, Malaysian for all.
Understanding the need to break away from the image of Federal’s puppet, UMNO Sabah’s mindset is now evolving from an elitist organization to one of nation building, equitable development and unity. The youth and the people of Sabah need leader that can and will practice ‘servant leadership’ and understand that the leaders are here to be the servant, serving the interest of the people and not master dictating the life of the people.
When asked about the direction of UMNO Sabah, he mentioned that the concept is based on shared prosperity partnership. “Our shared vision and commitment in the sharing of Sabah's wealth and diversity together
as partners for all Sabahan regardless of creed, race and religion is now our collective battle cry,”, said Hasnol.
The unprecedented time of COVID-19 pandemic, the non-performing Warisan-led government, the political uncertainty in Putrajaya and the discontentment on the ground needs leadership in Sabah and Malaysia now more than ever before.
Hasnol stated that one by one of the leaders have spoken loudly on the end of feudalism in Sabah and the beginning of a new era in building the state, one Sabahan at a time. In unison, UMNO Sabah’s leaders have echoed the sharing of Sabah's wealth and diversity, together as one people. Gone are the days of puppet masters from Kuala Lumpur dictating the narrative of Sabah politics.
The leadership led by autonomous UMNO Sabah will not just enable Sabah State to determine its pathway in State affairs but also to better align Sabah within the bigger block of national agenda without having to compromise the beliefs and rights of the Malaysians in Sabah.
It will serves as a platform to uplift the uncertainty felt by most if not all Malaysians in Sabah that have lingered for way too long on their position in Malaysia’s setting.
“As a proud autonomous and equitable partners, UMNO Sabah is ready to serve the people as a transformed force that fight equally alongside all the Malaysians in Sabah for the betterment of Sabah and Malaysia. UMNO Sabah has been charting its course at the State level in alignment with our common national aspirations. This empowerment and recognition will enable us to unite and inspire Malaysians in Sabah to reject the failed government of Shafie and bring progress never seen before as envisioned by our founding fathers of Malaysia,” he said.
Against the backdrop of the failed Pakatan Harapan government and non-performing Warisan-led government, UMNO Sabah is now in the best position to forge an alliance with all of their like-minded partners to offer a new deal and partnership to bring progress to all Malaysians in Sabah.
“The uniqueness of the deal we ought to offer to our partner that single UMNO Sabah out from the rest of the parties is that the autonomy that is given to the Malaysian leaders in Sabah will not go away, regardless who is standing as the Head of the party on Federal level.”
He made it clear that the autonomy is not a one-off matter fought by a single leader, rather a matter that will be carried on perpetually and this is what UMNO Sabah can offer to its strategic alliance. He assured that UMNO Sabah will also reflect this principle in the manifesto for the upcoming election to ensure that the autonomous federal-based party can align themselves better to deliver their responsibility to the people and for the people.
“We have exemplified this through our action where we have overcome disputes amongst our leaders and we have used the autonomy given to us to choose our own candidates, with an understanding that the needs of Malaysians in Sabah and their representatives are better understood by Malaysian leaders in Sabah. These are only the beginning of what we can achieve and we could do more by having strategic alliances that UMNO Sabah will choose as they see fit without any interference from UMNO federal leaders,” he said.
As a member of UMNO in Sabah for over 29 years, he concluded that an UMNO with the right perspective and commitment to change from the hegemonic to a nation-building mentality is the key to achieve what Malaysians in Sabah can only dream and hope for, for the last 57 years.
“This is the New Deal we are offering to the people of Sabah.”